Yesterday, Feb 1, six writers gathered at the 35617 S R 507 S in McKenna WA. We were a diverse group, with backgroiunds in film, theater, gaming, mainstream and fantasy writing. But it was a very congenial group, and I was pleased at how quickly lap tops were opened and the writing commensed.
As mentioned before, the idea is to provide a space where writers of any ilk can find a couple of distraction free hours to work. Today I was down there by myself from 1-4, and I was very pleased at how much work I got done on my edits of a first draft. Coffee, tea and cookies were available, but I could not suddenly decide to run the vacuum or do a load of laundry, or any of hte other tasks I give myself when I get stuck on a project. I made a great deal of forward progress.
If you live in the vicinity of McKenna (Or don't mind a long drive!) and would like to know when the room is open, please send me an email at Robinhobb@robinhobb.com and I will add you to the mailing address. At this time, it looks as if Friday, Saturday and Sunday are the best times for people to gather. But there will also be hours when I am just there working alone, and if anyone wants to come and silently work at the same table, that would be fine.
The space there continues to evolve and I hope it will become more pleasant as time goes by.
My other projects this week are to learn more about beekeeping. I have a hive box now, and extra boxes to add on top as the hive prospers. (I hope!) My next step is to order bees. I can just order a box of bees to put in the hive, and give them food and so on until they establish themselves. Or I can order a nuc. That is where I buy several frames that have some honey and brood in them already, and some bees and a queen that has already made a mating flight. Tomorrow there is another meeting of the Pierce County Beekeeping Association and I hope to attend and learn enough to make a valid decision.
If feels odd to be ordering flower seeds and thinking of bees when she just had our first snowfall. It wasn't deep, and it melted off the roads almost immediately. But I do think we are going to have a prolonged winter this year. The weather man says that the nights are going to continue to drop down below freezing. I'm goimg throug a lot of birdeseed and chicken feed keeping my birdfeeders and chicken troughs full.
Currently, my evenings entertainment is writing to my congressional senators and representatives, and any other politician that I think is doing a good job. I like to send real letters, but I encourage anyone who wants to share thoughts with any government official to send a letter or an email. It's very satisfying to think that my lone voice might be heard, and in some way encourage people who are working long hours for their constituency.
And I've nothing else to share. So it's time to shut the laptop and plan tomorrow. I hope you all had good days today!