With many thanks for Shawn Speakman of Grim Oak Press for making this happen!
On Saturday, February 27 at 1 PM (US west coast time) I will be attempting a Zoom session. (Yes, it fills me with dread, too!)
The best part of this announcement is that I will not be alone. If all goes well, I will be joined by Magali Villeneuve, the artist of the Illustrated edition of the Farseer Trilogy. (Assassin's Quest available for pre-order now, publication date March 2, 2021.)
Also joining us will be Tommy Arnold, the illustrator for the Grim Oak edition of Wizard of the Pigeons, Megan Lindholm's urban fantasy. Set in Seattle, it was first published in 1985. This is the first time it has appeared in a lovely hardback edition, with illustrations!
For more information, please visit the Robin Hobb Facebook page.