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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

The 25th Anniversary Illustrated Editions of The Farseer Trilogy

The covers of the hardback illustrated editions of The Farseer Trilogy.  Assassin's Fate features a stylized buck in gold, Royal Assassin has a red ship, and Assassin's Quest has a blue dragon.
The three lovely covers of the illustrated editions of the Farseer Trilogy: Assassin's Apprentice, Royal Assassin and Assassin's Quest

Well.  There they are.  After more than 25 years, I am thrilled to say that the Farseer Trilogy will exist in matching editions in hardover in the US!  


Moreover, these books will be of excellent production quality.  All three will feature art by Magali Villeneuve.  The endpapers are a gorgeous map of the Six Duchies.  Assassin's Apprentice also features as a frontspiece the original paperback cover art by no other than Michael Whelen.  


As I have with every book I've writtern, the initial launch for Assassin's Apprentice 25th Anniversary Edition will be from University Book Store in the University District of Seattle, Washington State. I will be there to sign and chat with readers on October 1, 2019 at 7 PM. 1.800.335.7323 | 4326 University Way, N.E.
Seattle, Washington 98105 


Duane tells me they already have over 50 pre-orders, but its still not too late to add yours!  If you want the book personalized, please add that information to the 'comments section of the order form.


The very next day, I will be flying to New York City for New York Comic Con.  I'm very excited to be there again, to meet readers and to sign books for them.  We will also have some free books to give away at the Del Rey Booth.  So if you have your tickets to NYCC, please be sure to come by and see us! 

25th Anniversary Illustrated Edition of Assassin's Apprentice

Magali Villeneuve's illustration of The Fool, from Assassin's Apprentice
The Fool by Magali Villeneuve.  One of the illustrations in the 25th Anniversary Edition of Assassin's Apprentice.

A number of years ago, in France, I had the good fortune to meet a wonderful illustrator named Magali Villeneuve. I was very impressed with her work, to put it mildly. She had illustrated such well known properties as A Song of Ice and Fire, The Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. I attended Imaginales in Epinal, France several more time, often encountering Magali and getting to know her better. At one time, she presented me with a lovely book of her work, entitled A Journey Through Illustrations ; in the front was a hand drawn sketch of FitzChivalry. And immediately I wished I could see more of her impressions of my characters and the Realm of the Elderlings.


When discussing with Anne Groell, my longtime US editor at Random House, the possibility of a 25th anniversary edition of Assassin's Apprentice, Anne asked me what illustrators I might like. As it happened, Magali Villeneuve was someone we both wanted for the project.


I was delighted when Magali agreed, and remain so!


On October 1, in both the US and the UK, the 25th Anniversary Edtion of Assassin's Apprenticed will be released. It features ten lavish color illustrations by Magali.

I will launch the book, as always, from University Book Store in Seattle, Washington, on October 1 at 7 PM. I will be available to sign copies that evening. If you are unable to attend, but still desire a signed copy, it is possible. When pre-ordering the book from the bookstore website (above) , just fill in the 'comments' section of your order with the request that the book be autographed.


For those attending New York City Comic Con from October 3 to 7, I will also be making appearances there and signing the book. I will post more on that as my exact schedule is known.


Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven Audio Book difficulties for US

The UK cover of The Dragon Keeper.  The art is by Jackie Morris, and features a blue dragon, wings folded.
Cover Art by Jackie Morris

Good Afternoon!
In the last few days, I've received a number of emails from US readers about the audiobooks for Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven.

For reasons my agent and I are still untangling, US readers are unable to purchase these titles as audiobooks.

We are still trying to determine what is wrong. When we find out what is going on, or remedy the situation, I will post about it here.

For now, I fear I can only recommend that you try your local library! My Timberland Regional Library here has a wonderful app that I can use to download ebooks and audiobooks directly to my phone without even leaving my bedroom! I can only hope you are as fortunate, and that the books are available to you through the library.

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