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Robin Hobb's Infrequent and Off Topic Blog

Changes in the websites or, To Write or To Be A Writer

If you have visited here before, you may note some changes we've made.  Some may seem unfriendly, but they are certainly not intended that way! And if you follow me on other social media, you've definitely seen some changes.


Being a writer these days creates a lot of tasks.  Answer email.  Have a lively social media presence.  Promote you own books. Attend conventions, conference and comic cons.  Review the books you are reading or listening to.  Be clever on twitter.  Post almost daily on Facebook.  Have an interesting blog.




It used to be that 'being a writer' just meant that I had to try to write at least one book a year!  If I received a letter from a reader, usually via the publisher's mailing address, it was a remarkable occurrence!  Now an average day brings a dozen emails of various kinds.  


I've been trying to establish a regular writing schedule for myself, after slacking off for a number of months.  One of the things I used to do was open my email first and try to answer it all before moving on to other tasks.  It's nice to be in touch with readers, to hear stories of where they read the books or what parts they enjoyed.  Keeping in touch with readers and reaching back when they write to me is a big part of being a writer.


Unfortunately, these days, by the time I reached the end of the emails, checked Facebook, skimmed through Twitter, and glanced at Insttagram  the key presses in my fingers had been used up, and as a result the stories I've been working on have not moved forward. Nor have I blogged here at all lately!


So, I am trying a new pattern.  Kat and I have disabled the 'contact Robin Hobb' button. If you have 'official' business, you can still reach me via The Lotts Agency for literary stuff, and Rand Holston at Paradigm agency for everything else.


As I mentioned, this may seem unfriendly. It's not intended that way.  It's my way of pushing myself to get back to writing, rather than spending my writing hours 'being a writer.'   So you have seen less of me on social media and you will see even less now.  And while I've already said I'll be at Emerald City Comic Con, I only plan to drive up, stay one day, and then head for home, and the keyboard.


I think the vast majority of my readers would rather have a new book sometime in 2021 than see me dithering on line.


I hope I'm right about that.


I will try to do regular updates here at robinhobbcom   I hope you'll take the time to drop by.


Thank you!







AuthorFest at Powells Books, Beaverton Oregon

AuthorFest is coming up!  On November 10, at 4 PM, Powells Books in Beaverton Oregon will be hosting a horde of SF and fantasy writers!  I will be there to sign.  And for purchasers of the 25th Anniversary Edition of Assassin's Apprentice, I will have a special bonus.  I have bookplates signed by Magali Villeneuve, the illsutrator.  (Of course, if you've already purchased the book bring it in for me to sign and to get a bookplate!)  


There will be a host of other authors there, all ready and willing to sign their books for you! Look for your favorites on this list.

 Fonda Lee

Terry Brooks

Brent Weeks

Sebastien de Castell

Shawn Speakman

Caitlin Starling

Jason Gurley

Brenda Cooper
Curtis C Chen

Kevin James Breaux

Spencer Ellsworth

Ken Scholes

Emily Suvada

Devon Monk

C J Cherryh


I will hope to see you there!


Audio Books for Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven

Original US cover art for Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven. Image on left is blue dragon with a girl standing beside it.  Image on right is a ship approaching a city with dragons overhead.
Original US cover art for Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven

Several months ago, I began hearing from readers that they could not order the audio books of Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven, the first two books in the Rain Wilds Chronicles. Audio books for book three, City of Dragons remain available, as does book four, Blood of Dragons.  But I certainly understand that readers don't want to skip the first two books in a set and jump into the middle of a story.


The issue seems to be that there was a lapse in the contract for the audio rights for those two books.  I think most readers understand that the creation of an audio book is outside the realm of my being a writer.  How it works is that an audio book company requests to buy the rights to create the audio book.  The audio book company creates the version using their readers and equipment and distribution system.  It's something that most writers have little control over once the contract is signed. 


The news I have right now is what you may already have seen on Amazon.com   The new versions of the audio books will be available in June of 2020.  That's an eight month wait, and I can do little except apologize. 


What I can recommend in the meantime is that readers check with their local libraries.  My library uses a wonderful app called Libby.  Using my card, and from anywhere with wifi, I can check out ebooks and audio books.  It is my hope that you can check out the older versions of Dragon Keeper and Dragon Haven from your local libraries and enjoy them as audio books that way. 


Thanks for your understanding!